Lazy Sunday

So last night while Garien and I were building his gingerbread house he started coughing. 😦 Garien has asthma and with that he tends to be more susceptible to upper respiratory colds. So I pulled out the *yucky cold medicine* and gave him some before he went to bed.

And sadly I was right this morning when he woke up he had a cracking voice, a nasty cough, and nasal congestion. So we had a lazy day today. Hung out in my room until around 12. He tends not to eat when he doesn’t feel well so I don’t push the breakfast issue. Keeping him hydrated is more important. He snacked on dry cereal for the afternoon while we watched some football.

We played some video games and just relaxed today. However we did have to make a run to the drug store because we ran out of his cold medicine.

Tomorrow Garien has to go in for blood work, after his MRI results the doctors are a little concerned with what they saw so they added some extra tests. He isn’t going to be very excited tomorrow.

He did seem to feel a little better with the new cold medicine even decided to eat some pizza.