Happy New Years!!!

Welcome 2015 and so long 2014. The passing year many things have changed in my life and I feel like I should share some of the big ones and maybe a few small ones.

This past January was for the most part completely uneventful so what a way to bring in the 2014. LOL

February 2014 marks the date of my son’s second surgery. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed. For the most part he did great however due to the pain in his throat and asthma he did have some issues coming out of the anesthesia.

The month of March brought my birthday and immediately following that the removal of my appendix. However March was also the first appt with the Developmental Pediatrician where Garien was given his first diagnosis.

April was rather plain, I did go from working tech support in a brick in mortar building to leaving that company and beginning the work at home process. We also adopted our fatty fat cat Cleo. Garien loves her.

May was when he discovered that we were going to be making the move we’d been talking about for two years. We were waiting to confirm out moving date which we’d preferred August/September.

The first day of June we found out that in order to move into the apartments we wanted so badly that we would be moving in July!!! All of my prep packing wasn’t enough to prepare for that…

July brought two huge changes in our life. On the 10th Garien was officially diagnosed with Mild to Moderate ASD where we would begin our journey to helping Garien learn some awesome skills to make his day to day life easier, and the day I decided to learn to fight for my son. The following week we packed everything we owned and moved **900 miles** to our new home!

August brought new schools and doctors offices. This was probably our second most relaxed month this year. We also celebrated Garien’s birthday this month instead of July since we were literally moving on his birthday. We had an awesome pool party Garien had a blast!

In September many changes had to be made for Garien. He’d spent nearly the last month and a half in school but it was rough. We made the decision to move him to a new classroom in hopes of being able to challenge him and help with his behavioral issues.

October was pretty mild Garien went in for his well Child check where we’d discovered he’d grown nearly 3 inches since the move!! That was awesome lol and the Pediatrician referred us to a neurologist. Since moving to FL we discovered that most children here didn’t see a development ped, mostly because there are a total of 3 within a 5 hour drive radius. So most of the ASD kids here see a neurologist after having their ADOS which we did in VA. All was fine I liked the Dr and she referred us to ABA therapy, OT, Speech, MRI, blood work, and an EEG to be done this month (Jan 2015)

November was nice We finally had Thanksgiving with family instead of just the three of us. The week prior to Thanksgiving Garien had a variety of appointments, dental cleaning, the MRI, and two therapy evaluations. All of which went in my opinion extremely well.

December brought Christmas which I already wrote about. It also brought some test results that I’m not ready to write about. However those results required more tests that were also done in December. Garien started occupational therapy this month as well which he enjoys greatly. And this month also brought a change at school. He was moved from the Gen. Pop bus to the ESE bus because he was having difficulties sitting and keeping his hands to himself. I didn’t feel comfortable keeping him on that bus any longer because he was being a danger to himself. But he’s much happier on his new bus so its a win win in my book.
So in closure to 2014, you brought many changes into my life, some amazing and some that I still cry about at night when no one is listening. But overall the year was extremely positive and I can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for my little family.

Happy New Year

*edited the mileage

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